Eero Won't Fix All Your WiFi Problems

July 06, 2023

With a Prime deal I picked up Amazon’s Eero 6+ and set it up. The unit looked slick and was easy to configure using the iPhone app. However performance was not much different nor improved than my existing Netgear R7000P. Testing showed that using a single Eero 6+ unit was slightly worse than the Netgear.

Why It Matters

The promises and marketing of the Eero did not live up to the hype. At least not with a single unit. To truly take advantage of these new mesh network systems you do need to buy multiple units, likely three. They do not make great single router replacements.

The Other Culprit Was Band Steering

While I can maintain a solid 5GHz connection to my Netgear, the 5GHz signal from the Eero flickered from strong to weak. The antenna simply did not reach as far. I would then get steered to the 2.4GHz band which was slower.

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