Two New Cool Features from GitHub

November 10, 2022

GitHub is holding its annual Universe event this week and yesterday unveiled two cool features:

I have been using a beta of the updated code search tool for months and it is blazing fast compared to the existing one. This update integrates that tool into the existing GitHub user interface and improves on it. The biggest improvement besides not having to go to a separate site to try it, is it goes fast. If you want to have its capabilities locally you should try out ripgrep on your machine.


Codespaces has been available to organizations but now that it is public, you can get up and running with any project quickly. By configuring a code space for your project it makes it easier for new users to get up and running. It lets people new to your programming language or library skip the steps where they need to understand how to setup their environment and have it done for them. If you have not used it before, it’s worth trying out!

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