Companies Do Not Want You to Fix It

September 30, 2022

From the NPR Car Talk host in Washington Post:

some car manufacturers don’t want to share key information for diagnosing and fixing cars with independent shops — and that’s something that’s not only bad for repair shops but also bad for you.

It’s Not Just Cars

iFixit has long been advocating for a right to repair. Their focus is on electronics. They warn if you cannot repair an item then you are going to throw it away. This is bad for both your wallet and the environment.

Independent Shops are Less Expensive than Dealers and Manufacturers

Dealers and manufacturers charge higher prices. In some situations they can make more effective repairs and ensure you have good quality parts. In other cases they are overkill or will not provide less expensive options to resolve your issues.

Automakers Stall Massachusetts Right to Repair in Court

Massachusetts passed it’s right to repair in 2020. It still has not taken effect.

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