Guenther Steiner - Drive to Survive’s Saddest Man

July 11, 2022

From Vulture:

And then there’s Guenther Steiner, inarguably the saddest character on Drive to Survive. As the principal for Haas, a team that routinely contends for last place since its inception, he stars in what is clearly the most unflattering narrative in the series: the perennial loser fighting for the smallest of victories. Steiner-centric episodes are exercises in Sisyphean struggle; as portrayed across the docuseries, the Haas drivers frequently underperform or bear the extreme brunt of bad luck. The team’s plight was encapsulated by a phone call caught on tape in the first season in which Steiner grumbles to the team owner in his thick Merano accent, “We look like a bunch of fucking wankers.”

After this weekend’s race result with both Haas drivers receiving points for the second week in a row, we may finally be seeing an opening for a redemption arc in the next season.

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