An Ode to Think Geek

Before it was bought by GameStop and turned into a soulless purveyor of collectibles, ThinkGeek was “Sharper Image for sysadmins”. It’s eclectic mix of gadgets, puzzles, and yes even collectible merch made it a fun and reliable place to find a novel gift.

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ChatGPT is an Unfair Use

Recently the New York Times was in the news for suing OpenAI over copyright infringement. Tech journalists like Mike Masnick have taken the other side and suggest that finding in favor of the Times would be bad for innovation. Having studied copyright in law school and experimenting with large language models (LLMs) makes me think that the Times is correct here, and I doubt that this will hamper innovation.

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The Brutal UX of Recycling

In Boston a lot of things can be recycled. Plastic, aluminum, paper. These things are easy: place them in your blue bin. Yet I see so many folks mess this up. Junk mail might sightlessly be dropped in the waste bin. Plastic that could be rinsed and recycled is dropped into landfill. These are easy, the hard ones are even more annoying: textiles, batteries, electronics, and plastic bags (#4). Now there is a separate composting bin to figure out.

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The Problem with Bad Web Content is Google

Wix CEO Avishai Abrahami on Decoder:

I also probably have the luxury place of being in the spot where I see more websites than anybody else on the planet, and I know the results on Google, so I can see a lot of the things behind the algorithm. If Google will decide one day to remove fake content, there’ll be no fair content in Google.

Another reason to use Kagi.

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The Limits and Potential of AI

Artificial intelligence has captured the imagination of the tech industry. Using enormous datasets scraped from the Internet OpenAI built ChatGPT, an AI that seems to act human. OpenAI’s dominance of the field has come into question with the surprise ouster of Sam Altman. Are AIs proponents over-promising its capabilities? Are the critics missing key advantages and limitations? I have been trying to use it to code for the past few months, and am surprised at how far it still has to grow.

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